Exercise Science, Nutrition, Plant vs. Animal Protein, Muscle Physiology, Sleep, Fat, Carbs, Health
Marijuana, Plant Chemistry, Terpenes, Volatile Sulfur Compounds, Cannabis Industry, Aroma & Smell
Alcohol Toxicity, Vaping vs. Smoking, Tobacco, Nicotine, Marijuana, Terpenes, THC, Toxicology
The Age of Scientific Wellness: Why the Future of Medicine Is Personalized | Nathan Price | #112
Critical Periods, Neuroplasticity, Language Acquisition, Synesthesia, Machine Learning, AI, Orita.ai
Neurogenesis, Stem Cells, Neuroplasticity, Aging, Exercise, Fasting & PTSD | Rusty Gage | #110
Cannabis Lab Testing, THC, CBD, Cannabinoids, Terpenes, Pesticides, Heavy Metals, Marijuana Industry
Monogamy, Sexual & Parent Behavior, Social Attachment, Oxytocin, Sex Hormones, Childhood Psychosis
Evolution of Complex Behavior, Perception, Cognition, Consciousness & the Brain | Paul Cisek | #107
Diet, Macro- & Micronutrients, Taste, Whole vs. Processed Food, Obesity & Weight Loss, Evolution
Metabolism, Obesity & Psychedelics for Metabolic Disease | Christoffer Clemmensen | #105
Benefits & Risks of UV Radiation & Sunlight, Skin Health, Vitamin D, Nitric Oxide, Evolution of Skin
Microbiome, Exercise, Diet, Metabolism, Circadian Rhythms, Endocannabinoids | Christoph Thaiss
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology of Serotonin Receptors, Tryptamines & Psychedelics | Ryan Gumpper
Consciousness, Anesthesia, Coma, Vegetative States, Sleep Pills (Ambien), Ketamine, AI | Alex Proekt
COVID, Epidemiology, Pandemics, Health Policy, Public Trust of Science | Jay Bhattacharya
Developmental Neurobiology, Brain Organoids, Human-Animal Transplantation,Human Brain | Sergiu Pasca
Neural Computation, Neuromodulators, Serotonin, Psychedelics, Subjective Experience | Zach Mainen |
How Did the SARS-CoV-2 Virus Originate? | Alex Washburne | #97
MDMA, Microdosing LSD, THC & Memory, Human Psychopharmacology | Harriet de Wit | #96